Import Certification
SIMS is a licensing program applicable to steel importers. The Government felt the need to introduce a licensing program which would enable the maintenance of a statistical database recording of all the steel imports entering into the country. Accordingly, SIMS was introduced with effect from 1st November 2019 through Notification no.17/2015-2020 dated 5th September 2019.
The purpose of SIMS is to enable the Government to maintain a constantly updated database which contains advance information about steel imports entering into the country. This data would help the government to arrive at effective policy formulations and implementations regarding steel imports. Also, various other stakeholders associated with the steel industry will be empowered to obtain information about the various steel products imported into the country. The data stored in the SIMS portal is published every week on the website of the Ministry of Steel and can be viewed by the public.

Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMS)
Om Exim Management can assist you for Registration / Issuance of SIMS Certificate for Import of Iron & Steel products.
The objective of introducing the "Non-Ferrous Metals Import Monitoring System" (NFMIMS) is to enable the Government of India to maintain and update constantly a database containing the advance information of Aluminium & Copper products imported in India.
The data received through the NFMIMS help the Government in effective policy formulations and implementations regarding imports. As per the notification, there are 46 import products of chapter 74 of Copper Industry and 43 import products of chapter 76 of the Aluminium industry for which online registration has to be done to get AIMS & CIMS Certificate.

Non-Ferrous Metals Import Monitoring System" (NFMIMS)
Om Exim Management can assist you for Registration of Non-Ferrous Metals Import Monitoring System" (NFMIMS) for Import of Aluminium and Copper products.
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has introduced the Paper Import Monitoring System (PIMS) by amending the import policy of major paper products from ‘Free’ to ‘Free subject to compulsory registration under PIMS’. However, the online facility of registration will be available from 15th July 2022.
PIMS has been introduced to capture specific details of the import of Paper and Paper products under Chapter 48 of ITC (HS), 2017, Schedule-1. The system would collect detailed information on imports of these products which will aid in the analysis of trade data and facilitate policy formulation. Real-time access to information will enable monitoring and targeted decision-making. The system would collect detailed information on imports of the products which will aid in the analysis of trade data and facilitate policy formulation.