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Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is a code which helps you to sign on the computers efficiently. The authenticity of Digital Signature is as same as in the physical signature. Digital Signatures are very common now a days and you need it everywhere from filing of company registration to filing the income tax return online.
Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) can be obtained by proper KYC and following the prescribed procedure to ensure a complete and safe registration of the Digital Signature Codes (DSC).
We are an Authorised Partner of e-Mudhra and issuing Digital Signature Certificate in 24 hours.

Digital Signature Certificate
Om Exim Management can assist you for issuance of Class III (Individual / Organisation) & DGFT Digital Signature Certificate.
The Importer - Exporter Code (IEC) is a key business identification number which is mandatory for Exports or Imports. No person shall make any import or export except under an IEC Number granted by the DGFT. In case of import or export of services or technology, the IEC shall be required only when the service or technology provider is taking benefits under the Foreign Trade Policy or is dealing with specified services or technologies
The nature of the firm obtaining an IEC may be any of the follows- "Proprietorship, Partnership, LLP, Limited Company, Trust, HUF and Society." Consequent upon introduction of GST, IEC number is the same as the PAN of the firm. The IEC would be separately issued by DGFT.
Import Export Code (IEC)
Om Exim Management can assist you for issuance of New Import Export Code anad Modification in Import Export Code from any DGFT located in India.

Registration Cum Membership Certificate RCMC is a certificate that validates an exporter dealing with products registered with an agency / organization that are authorised by the Indian Government. The certificate is issued by the Export Promotional Councils or commodity board in India. An exporter desiring to obtain an RCMC has to declare his mainstream business in the application. This application would be submitted to the Export Promotion Council / Commodity Board relating to that line of business.
There are 26 Export promotion councils and 9 commodities board in India. Export Promotional Councils (EPC) and Commodities board in India are the authorities for issuing the RCMC. These institutions have been authorised by Central Government to issue RCMC to the particular exporter.

Export Promotion Council (EPC)
Om Exim Management can assist you for Issuance / Renewal / Modification of RCMC from APEDA, FIEO, EEPC, SEPC, PEPC, CHEMEXCIL, PHARMEXCIL, Spice Board, etc. Export Promotion Council.
MSME Certificate Certificate
MSME stands for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME), introduced by Government of India in agreement with Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 are entities engaged in the production, manufacturing, processing or preservation of goods and commodities.
MSME / Udyog Aadhar is a government registration that is provided along with a recognition certificate and a unique number in order to certify small / medium businesses or enterprises. MSME stands for micro, small and medium enterprises, and these are the backbone of any developing economy. To support and promote MSMEs, the Government of India through various subsidies, schemes and incentives promote MSMEs through the MSMED Act.
Om Exim Management can assist you for issuance / modification of MSME Certificate / Udyog Aadhar Certificate.

Goods & Service Tax Certificate
GST (Goods and Services Tax) is one indirect tax for the whole nation. It is the resultant tax after subsuming major Central and State indirect taxes. GST is a destination based tax levied on the consumption of goods and services across the nation, thus rendering the country one unified common market.
A destination based tax is one which is levied in the state where the goods or services are consumed and not where they are produced. On the other hand, an origin based tax is levied in the state where goods or services are produced (not consumed).